Install Template

To get started, you can either clone the boilerplate repository for a quick setup or recreate it from scratch to better understand its structure.

🔗 Template Repository

You can find the template here: GitHub - create-builder-codes-dapp

Option 1: Clone and Set Up the Repository

1️⃣ Clone the Repository

Run the following command to clone the template:

git clone
cd create-builder-codes-dapp

Then install dependencies:

pnpm install  # or npm install

2️⃣ Change the Git Remote to Your Own Repository

To push your changes to a personal GitHub repository, update the remote URL:

git remote set-url origin

3️⃣ Configure the Environment Variables

Update the .env file with your custom settings - RPC List:

# The environment mode (development=testnet / production=mainnet) 

# The RPC URL for connecting to the HyperEVM  
NEXT_PUBLIC_RPC_URL=your_rpc_url  # [See RPC list on the doc]

# The builder's wallet address for fee collection  
NEXT_PUBLIC_BUILDER_ADDRESS=your_builder_address  # [Requires >100 USDC to enable the builder fee signer]

# The builder fee percentage (in basis points)  

# The WalletConnect project ID for wallet connections  
NEXT_PUBLIC_WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID=your_wallet_connect_project_id  # [Create your project ID here:]

4️⃣ Run the Application

Once everything is set up, start the development server:

pnpm dev  # or npm run dev

Your application should now be up and running!

Option 2: Build from Scratch

While cloning the boilerplate is faster, this approach helps you better understand the app’s architecture and dependencies.

1. Install Next.js

We’ll start by setting up a new Next.js 15 project.

📌 Run the following command:

npx create-next-app@latest --use-pnpm
What is your project named? my-app
Would you like to use TypeScript? Yes
Would you like to use ESLint? Yes
Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? Yes
Would you like your code inside a `src/` directory? Yes
Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) Yes
Would you like to use Turbopack for `next dev`? Yes
Would you like to customize the import alias (`@/*` by default)? No
What import alias would you like configured? @/*

📚 Reference: Next.js Installation Guide

2. Project Structure

Your app will be structured as follows:

📁 app/

  • Houses Next.js routes and pages.

  • Main entry point for the application.

📁 components/

  • Stores reusable components for your pages.

📁 hooks/

  • Contains custom React hooks for logic reuse (e.g., useAuth(), useFetchData()).

📁 lib/

  • config/ → Global settings (e.g., API URLs, environment variables).

  • helpers/ → Utility functions (e.g., formatDate(), parseCookies()).

  • services/ → API call logic (e.g., authService.ts, userService.ts).

  • types/ → TypeScript interfaces for better type safety.

3. Install & Configure Wagmi (Wallet Connection)

Wagmi is used for wallet connections and blockchain interactions.

📌 Install dependencies:

pnpm add wagmi viem@2.x @tanstack/react-query

📚 Reference: Wagmi Documentation

🔧 Modify the following files:

📁 lib/config/

  • index.ts → Fetches configuration from .env

  • wagmi.ts → Creates the Wagmi config using AppKit Documentation.

    pnpm add @reown/appkit @reown/appkit-adapter-wagmi
  • chain.ts → Defines the Hyperliquid EVM testnet

  • axios.ts → Installs and configures Axios for API calls

    pnpm add axios

📁 components/

  • ContextProvider.tsx → Wraps the app in WagmiProvider and passes the config.

  • UserProvider.tsx → Manages user state based on wallet connection (wagmi + localStorage).

  • 📌 Note: Consider improving Builder Fee storage (DB or blockchain instead of local cache).

📁 lib/store.ts (State Management)

Zustand is used to manage global state efficiently.

📌 Install Zustand:

pnpm add zustand

Responsibilities of store.ts:

  1. Define user-related state types (User, Agent, UserStoreState).

  2. Create Zustand store for updating, resetting, and accessing user data globally.

📚 Reference: Zustand Documentation

4. UI & Styling Setup

📌 Install required packages:

pnpm add tailwindcss-animate class-variance-authority clsx tailwind-merge lucide-react

📚 Reference: shadcn/UI Installation Guide

Configure UI files

  • tailwind.config.ts → Customize Tailwind settings (Example)

  • globals.css → Define base styles (Example)

  • lib/utils.ts → Utility functions for styling

  • components/ui/ → Copy & paste shadcn/UI components (e.g., toast.tsx, button.tsx, etc.).

📌 Important: shadcn/UI is not a component library—it's a collection of reusable UI components that you copy manually.

📚 Reference: Radix UI (Shadcn's Base Library)

5. Blockchain Connection (Hyperliquid Integration)

Key Components:

📁 app/page.tsx

  • Displays either the trading widget (if connected) or the wallet connection button.

📁 components/

  • ConnectWallet.tsx → Wraps a Connect Wallet button using AppKit.

  • Trade.tsx → Trading widget for buying/selling assets.

📁 components/ApproveBuilderFee.tsx

  • Ensures users approve the Builder Fee before trading.

📁 lib/services/

  • approve-builder.ts → Handles fee approval via Wagmi.

    🔹 Setup Instructions: Refer to the documentation Dapp Setup Guide for detailed steps on integrating your Dapp with the blockchain.

📁 lib/services/

  • builder-info.ts → Calls Hyperliquid API /info endpoint (API Docs).

6. Agent-Based Trading

Hyperliquid allows trading via an "agent" account.

Key Files:

  • components/ApproveAgent.tsx

    • Creates a new account (agent) for secure order placement without signing each time.

    • The agent cannot move user funds, making it a safer approach.

  • lib/services/approve-agent.ts

📌 Security Note: The agent’s private key is generated locally—ensure it’s never exposed or stored insecurely.

7. Order Execution

Handles placing, signing, and submitting trades.

Key Services:

  • market-order.ts/exchange (trade execution)

  • mid-price.ts/info (retrieves real-time mid-prices)

  • balances.ts/info (fetches user balances)

  • token-details.ts/info (retrieves token metadata)

  • signing.ts → Uses MessagePack for encoding.

    pnpm add @msgpack/msgpack

8. Final Steps: ESLint & Configuration

📌 Update ESLint rules (eslint.config.mjs):

jsCopierModifierrules: {
  "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": "warn",
  "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": "warn",

📌 Modify Next.js config (next.config.ts) Check the example file.


By following this guide, you’ve built the Builder Codes Dapp from scratch, gaining a deep understanding of:

Next.js & TypeScript setupWallet connection & Wagmi configurationAPI integration with HyperliquidTrading execution with agent-based securityUI & state management with shadcn/UI & Zustand

Last updated