dApp Setup

This guide covers how to configure and deploy a dApp on HyperEVM.

1. Setting Up Your Application

Before deploying contracts, your dApp needs a proper setup with wallet integration and blockchain connectivity. HyperEVM supports standard Ethereum libraries, ensuring compatibility with tools like:

  • Wagmi / Viem & Ethers – for seamless wallet connections.

  • Hyperliquid RPC endpoints – to interact with the blockchain.

For a step-by-step guide on setting up a Next.js application with Wagmi, refer to the Builder Codes Guide.

2. Deploying a Smart Contract on Hyperliquid EVM

Deploying a smart contract on Hyperliquid follows a similar workflow to Ethereum. You can use Foundry or Hardhat, two popular development frameworks.

1️⃣ Deploying with Foundry

Note: This is an old data sheet, so some details may not be accurate for HyperEVM. I haven’t tested deployment on HyperEVM yet, but an update is coming soon. For now, consider this a summary rather than a full guide.

  • Install & Update Foundry First, ensure you have Foundry installed and updated: ⚠️ Windows Users: Install WSL or Git Bash to run these commands.

    curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
  • Create a New Project

    forge init hello_foundry
    cd hello_foundry
  • (Optional) Link to GitHub:

    git remote add origin <REMOTE_URL>
    git remote -v
    echo "/lib/" >> .gitignore  # Ignore dependencies  
    git push -u origin main
  • Install Dependencies

    forge install openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts --no-commit
    • Configure remappings in foundry.toml:

      remappings = ['@openzeppelin=lib/openzeppelin-contracts']
  • Compile & Test

    forge build
    forge test -vvv
  • Deploy on a Local Devnet (Anvil) Start Anvil in a separate terminal:

  • Deploy the contract: Create a Script and run this command:

    forge script script/Token.s.sol --rpc-url --broadcast --private-key <PRIVATE_KEY>
  • Deploy on Testnet Add your testnet credentials to .env:

    • Deploy on Sepolia:

      source .env
      forge script script/Token.s.sol --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $SEPOLIA_PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast
    • Verify the contract automatically:

      forge script script/Token.s.sol --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $SEPOLIA_PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
    • Check deployment on Etherscan: Take the transaction hash from the deployment output and search for it on Etherscan to view your contract.

    • Verify an already deployed contract:

      forge verify-contract
      --chain-id 11155111
      --num-of-optimizations 1000000
      --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(string,string,uint256,uint256)" "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000)
      --etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key>
      --compiler-version v0.8.10+commit.fc410830

2️⃣ Interacting with a Smart Contract

You can use Cast for direct terminal interaction or leverage Etherscan’s UI to read contract data and interact with smart contracts.

  • Managing Wallets

    • Import a wallet:

      cast wallet import mywallet --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY
    • List available wallets:

      cast wallet list
    • Delete a wallet:

      rm -rf ~/.foundry/keystores/mywallet
  • Calling Smart Contract Functions:

    • Read function:

      cast call --rpc-url $RPC_URL <CA> "isUserAllowed(address)(bool)" <Public Key>
    • Convert hex to decimal:

      cast --to-base 0x15b7d6 dec
  • Write function

    • Send a transaction:

      cast send --rpc-url $RPC_URL <CA> "addToAllowList(address)" "<Public Key>" --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY
    • Send a transaction with multiple arguments:

      cast send --account mywallet --rpc-url $RPC <CA> "createMatrix(uint256,uint256)" 10 10
    • Call a contract function and retrieve a stored value:

      cast call --rpc-url $RPC $DST "val()(uint256)"

3️⃣ Understanding the Dual-Block Architecture

Hyperliquid EVM uses a dual-block system for transaction processing. By default, transactions go to small blocks, but deploying contracts efficiently may require big blocks. To enable this, submit an L1 action.

💡 For a deep dive into Dual-Block transactions, visit this guide.

3. dApp <--> Blockchain

To interact with a smart contract from your dApp’s frontend, you can use Ethers.js, Viem, or Wagmi. These tools allow you to read and write blockchain data, handle transactions, and manage wallet connections.

1️⃣ Setting Up the Contract ABI & Address

  • Extract the ABI from Foundry output: The ABI is located in out/ContractName.sol/ContractName.json.

  • Store the contract address as a constant:

    const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0xYourContractAddress";
    const contractABI = [{}]
    import contractABI, CONTRACT_ADDRESS from "@/lib/config/abi.ts";

2️⃣ Using Ethers.js

📌 Documentation: Ethers.js Docs

npm install ethers

🔹 Read Data (Call a View Function)

import { ethers } from "ethers";

async function readContract() {
  const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("https://your-rpc-url.com");
  const contract = new ethers.Contract(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, contractABI, provider);
  const value = await contract.yourViewFunction();
  console.log("Contract Value:", value);

🔹 Write Data (Send a Transaction)

async function writeContract(signer) {
  const contract = new ethers.Contract(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, contractABI, signer);
  const tx = await contract.yourWriteFunction("param1", "param2");
  await tx.wait();
  console.log("Transaction confirmed:", tx.hash);

3️⃣ Using Viem

📌 Documentation: Viem Docs

npm i viem

🔹 Read Data (Call a View Function)

import { createPublicClient, http } from "viem";
import { mainnet } from "viem/chains";

const client = createPublicClient({
  chain: mainnet,
  transport: http(),

async function readContract() {
  const data = await client.readContract({
    address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
    abi: contractABI,
    functionName: "yourViewFunction",
  console.log("Contract Value:", data);

🔹 Write Data (Send a Transaction)

import { createWalletClient } from "viem";

async function writeContract(account) {
  const client = createWalletClient({
    chain: mainnet,
    transport: http(),

  const txHash = await client.writeContract({
    address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
    abi: contractABI,
    functionName: "yourWriteFunction",
    args: ["param1", "param2"],

  console.log("Transaction Hash:", txHash);

4️⃣ Using Wagmi

📌 Documentation: Wagmi Docs

npm install wagmi viem@2.x @tanstack/react-query

🔹 Setting Up Wagmi Config - here

🔹 Read Data (Use Wagmi Hook)

import { useReadContract } from "wagmi";

const { data, isLoading } = useReadContract({
  abi: contractABI,
  functionName: "yourViewFunction",

🔹 Write Data (Use Wagmi Hook)

import { useWriteContract } from "wagmi";

const { writeContract } = useWriteContract();

async function sendTx() {
    address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
    abi: contractABI,
    functionName: "yourWriteFunction",
    args: ["param1", "param2"],

You can use Wagmi Core instead of React hooks. Hooks must follow React rules (e.g., they cannot be called inside functions or conditionally).

🔗 Learn more: Wagmi Core Documentation

Last updated